n0=/tellv /msg # The <=⌠SpReY=> Voting Polls are Still Open! | /msg # [[Topic: %vtopic $+ ]] | /msg # Possible Answers Are [[ YES, NO, MAYBE ]] | /msg # CTCP $me YES, NO, or MAYBE To Vote! | /msg # <=⌠SpReY=> 1.0 by Aeson and Tiberius
n1=/setupv {
n2= set %vvvvv ON
n3= enable #vote
n4= set %vyesno $$?="want to disply vote topic in XX secs Y\N"
n5= if (%vyesno == y) { timer 0 $$?="how many seconds in intervals?" }
n6= if (%vyesno == y) { echo 5 á<=⌠SpReY=> 1.0 by Aeson and Tiberius }
n7= set -q %vno 0
n8= set -q %vyes 0
n9= set -q %vmaybe 0
n10= set -q %vtime $?="How many secs till times over?"
n11= set -q %vtopic $?="Whats the Voting Topic?"
n12= say á<=⌠SpReY=> 1.0 by Voting Polls are open!
n13= say <>Topic: %vtopic $+ <>
n14= say <>Options: YES, NO or MAYBE<>
n15= say <>/ctcp $me YES, NO or MAYBE<>
n16= say <>Time Left: %vtime secs<>
n17= timer 1 %vtime /voteover
n19=/10list {
n20= set %10topic $$?="what do you want the main topic to be?"
n21= set %1010 $$?="what is number 10?"
n22= set %1009 $$?="what is number 9?"
n23= set %1008 $$?="what is number 8?"
n24= set %1007 $$?="what is number 7?"
n25= set %1006 $$?="what is number 6?"
n26= set %1005 $$?="what is number 5?"
n27= set %1004 $$?="what is number 4?"
n28= set %1003 $$?="what is number 3?"
n29= set %1002 $$?="what is number 2?"
n30= set %1001 $$?="what is NUMER 1?!?"
n31= set -q %time10 $$?="msg list every ??? secs? Y\N?"
n32= if (%time10 == y) { timer 0 $$?="how many seconds in intervals?" /10lists }
n33= if (%time10 == n) { echo 5 the list is set! <=⌠SpReY=> 1.0 by Aeson and Tiberius }
n34= 10lists
n36=/10lists {
n37= msg # and now ladies and gentlemen! without further ado!
n38= msg # The <=⌠SpReY=> Top Ten list!
n39= msg # $+ %10topic $+
n40= msg # Number Ten: $+ %1010 $+ Number Nine: $+ %1009 $+
n41= msg # Number Eight: $+ %1008 $+ Number Seven: $+ %1007 $+
n42= msg # Number Six: $+ %1006 $+ Number Five: $+ %1005 $+
n43= msg # Number Four: $+ %1004 $+ Number Three: $+ %1003 $+
n44= msg # Number Two: $+ %1002 $+
n45= msg # AND NOW!!! Number One!!!
n46= msg # Number One: $+ %1001
n47= msg # <=⌠SpReY=> 1.0 by Aeson and Tiberius
n49=/options {
n50= echo 5 <=⌠SpReY=> 1.0 Options
n51= echo 5 your 8ball is $+ %nia $+
n52= echo 5 your join counter is $+ %jcc $+ for %joinchan
n53= echo 5 your Join Counter is $+ %gfunk $+ for %urny
n54= echo 5 your Link Looker is $+ %lloon $+ for all channels.
n55= echo 5 your <=⌠SpReY=> Vote Machine is $+ %vvvvv $+
n56= echo 5 your XDCC is $+ %xdcc $+ for %xdcc.chan
n57= echo 5 guess my number is $+ %guess $+
n58= echo 5 IRC poker is $+ %poker $+
n59= echo 5 Hangman is $+ %hangman $+
n60= echo 5 blackjack is $+ %blackjack $+
n61= echo 5 The Slot machine is $+ %slots $+
n62= echo 5 your fucking swear kick is $+ %swears $+
n112= msg # The <=⌠SpReY=> Polls are closed! They were open for a total of %vtime secs!
n113= msg # the topic was %vtopic
n114= msg $chan A total of %vyes voted yes!
n115= msg # a total of %vno voted no!
n116= msg # and a total of %vmaybe voted Maybe!
n117= msg # thanks for voting <=⌠SpReY=> 1.0 by Aeson and Tiberius
n118= rlevel 178
n119= timers off
n121=/down /echo 3 it is $fulldate
n122=/op /mode # +ooo $$1 $2 $3
n123=/dop /mode # -ooo $$1 $2 $3
n124=/j /join #$$1
n125=/p /part #
n126=/n /names #$$1
n127=/w /whois $$1
n128=/k /kick # $$1
n129=/q /query $$1
n130=f3 /options
n131=/hop /part # | /join #$$1
n132=/send /dcc send $1 $2
n133=/chat /dcc chat $1
n134=/ping /ctcp $$1 ping
n135=/stats /echo 5 -=STATS FOR $me=- | /echo 5 Your Current Nick Is $me | /echo 5 your current ip is: $+ $ip | /echo 5 You are Currently Logged Onto $server | /echo 5 It is $fulldate | /echo 5 Your Home Channel Is %home | /echo 5 -=YouR Fserve Has BeeN set=- | /echo 5 Your Fserve Commaand Line Is %command | /echo 5 Your Fserve Directory Is %dir | /echo 5 Your Fserve WelCome TxT Is %welcome | /echo 5 You Are Using -=≡&Z≡±Ω=- 1.0 by ^|WeeZ|^
n136=/f2 /stats
n137=/f1 /help
n138=/help /echo 4 *help* <=⌠SpReY=> *help* | /echo 4 these are just basic shortcut's | /echo 4 f1=HELP | /echo 4 f2=stats | /echo 4 f3=options | /echo 4 f4=quik away | /echo 4 f5=quick back | /echo 4 f8= join Split server | /echo 4 *help* <=⌠SpReY=> *help*